Mothers Day Tribute 2016
"When I think of Rachel, the first word that comes to mind is inspiring. She has impacted so many lives already and I'm sure she will continue to do so!" -Ashley Marie
A few weeks ago I requested nominations for a giveaway of a photoshoot for Mother's Day.
Many community members wrote wonderful tributes to special people in their lives.
They all deserved an opportunity to be recognized a million times over.
One of those nominations definitely stood out.
A mom of a busy 2 year old boy, adopted a precious baby girl to add to their family. A few short weeks after, gave birth to her second son. Their family of 3, turned to 5, all in the matter of faith.
I have been so honored to be able captured this precious time for Rachel to remember while they are still tiny babies. In addition to the complimentary photoshoot her friends and family helped her receive, I gifted her a locket. This locket includes photos taken that day to remind her of this fleeting time as new family of five.
I want to dedicate this song to her today, and to all the mothers out there.
Enjoy all that motherhood has to offer.
Hold on to the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles,
Each and every priceless giggle, and each and every fleeting day.
They grow up way too fast.
“Basically I just think my sister is amazing. 😊 I have no idea how she manages to juggle two babies and a toddler, I’m tired just thinking about it. She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know and is always willing to help out anyone in need. She’s an incredible mom, friend, wife, mentor, daughter, etc. I don’t know what I would do without her in my life and she’s always been an amazing role model for me and I know my other siblings feel the same way.” -Hannah H.
”I love watching Rachel lovingly raise her beautiful family. She has it together when it comes to having an orderly home with plenty of love for each of her children. I see her providing firm, loving boundaries for her children that help make them feel secure. Besides all that I look forward to special occasions when she dresses them all up. It feels like a treat for me. She helps my daughter by teaching her how to care for and train children. I do love her a lot. Glad she won the shoot!” -Nancy F.”
"Rachel is a woman of faith. Many people would say it's not logical to adopt a baby when you're pregnant and have a two year-old running around. Rachel firmly believes the concurrent adoption and pregnancy were gifts from God that she could not refuse. She and James stepped out in faith that it was the right thing to do, and they trust God to continually give them the strength and wisdom to raise these three. It hasn't even been 6 months yet, and already it's been a joy to see the miracles and growth in Rachel's family. Thank you Rachel for being an example of walking in faith." -Nora N.
“I know Rachel as a teacher out at Beltz, but where I truly know her from is the Church. She is an example of a Christian woman giving to all children. From day 1 of being in Nome, she has cared for any of Nome’s children that has sought her out. She has never turned a child away that needed her attention. She now cares for her two year old, a sweet little baby girl that she has opened her heart for adoption and her very own newborn baby. Her heart is overflowing with love for all children. - Kim E.”