The ability to create a precious life is the most wonderful experience ever.
The ability to provide nutrients for that precious life to grow is amazing.
Bringing a new life into existence is utterly exhausting and gratifying at the same time.
Right now, baby Noah here has made it into the third trimester.
27 weeks of constant growing, and 13 more to go!
He is now able to open and close his eyes, complete with eyelashes and eyebrows.
Noah may now start to recognize his momma's, daddy's and three big sisters voices.
All 2 pounds, 6 ounces of him is loved so much, so dearly.
Around 22 weeks, Diane had a ultrasound and something peculiar was noticed
After a hour flight to the city and an overnight stay, baby Noah was diagnosed with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Nearly 1,600 precious lives are born with CDH every year throughout the U.S. This happens when the diaphragm fails to close during development, which allows organs to move up into his chest cavity. In his instance, Noah's liver has moved up into his chest, pushing his heart further left than it should be. Unfortunately, fluid has built up in his chest potentially causing more stress to his heart. Diane and Shantah will need to fly to Portland to wait for his birth in order to monitor him closely.
There is only a few hospitals that specialize with these fragile lives and have the technology available to care for them properly. Once he is born, a team of specialists will be needed to care for him for a few months.
This will be a long road for the family of six. The support from family and friends is needed now.
Pray for pillars of strength for this beautiful family on this difficult journey.
Pray for strength for the little boy that has yet to experience life outside the womb,
For strength for the parents that has yet to hold him in their arms,
For strength for his sisters to be without their mom while they are away,
Pray for strength for their family to provide positive energy.
Pray for love, pray for life, pray for Noah.
Please support Noah and his family during this medical hardship, contribute to Noah's battle with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, at the fundraising site, click here. They will be in portland to be close to specialty teams & equipment.